Classroom Management

Classroom Management Plan



As I firmly believe that life-long success depends on self-discipline, I have a Classroom Management Plan that allows every student the opportunity to manage his or her own behavior.  Your child deserves the most positive educational climate possible for academic growth.  The plan below outlines our classroom rules and the consequences of appropriate and inappropriate behavior.


Classroom Rules:

1.      Follow directions the first time they are given.

2.      Listen carefully.

3.      Work quietly.  Do not disturb others who are working.

4.      Respect others.  Be kind with your words and actions.

5.      Respect school and personal property.

6.      Work and play safely.


Consequences of Appropriate Behavior:


We will have a “Good Behavior Bucket” in our classroom.  Students who are consistently observed exhibiting appropriate behavior will be able to place their name in the bucket.  At the end of the week, five students’ names will be drawn.  These students will choose from various items as a reward, i.e. “wear slippers for a day pass” “sit at my desk all day pass” “line leader for a day pass” “no homework pass” etc.  The more times a students’ name is placed in the bucket, the better their chances are of being drawn. J


Consequences of Inappropriate Behavior:


I will be using natural and logical consequences to handle inappropriate behavior.  In other words, “The punishment fits the crime”.   I have found that all students are different so a “one size fits all approach” is not the best way to handle every situation that may arise.